DSIL's Activities

The Digital+Sustainable Innovation Lab is consulting corporations, startups, and organizations in the development, design and implementation of innovation projects. We specifically focus on business model innovation, digital transformation and innovation strategy. Contact us!
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The Organizational Dynamics of Business Models for Sustainability

Organization & Environment, 2023, 36(2), 211-227. [with Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Jonatan Pinkse, Oliver Laasch and Yuliya Snihur]

Sustainability in the Digital Age - The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Digital Technologies on Sustainability

Business Strategy & The Environment, 2022, 2(1), 599-602. [with Christina Bidmon and Jonatan Pinkse].


Digital technologies and sustainability: Insights and implications on the emergent concept of sustainability in the digital age, Stanford Conference on Sustainability, Stanford, USA.

Value Creation and Value Capture with NFTs: Use Cases, Mechanisms and Business Models, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA. [with Arash Rezazadeh]

Value Creation and Value Capture with NFTs: Use Cases, Mechanisms and Business Models, R&D Conference, Sevilla, Spain. [with Arash Rezazadeh]

Control point dynamics in emerging digital business ecosystems: The case of the digital agriculture, Druid, Copenhagen, Denmark. [with Carolin Block, Michael Rennings, Stefanie Bröring]

Control point dynamics in emerging digital business ecosystems: The case of the digital agriculture, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA. [with Carolin Block, Michael Rennings, Stefanie Bröring]

Cascading Business Models: A Study of Non-Fungible Tokens, New Business Model Conference, Rome, Italy. [with Arash Rezazadeh]

Digital Sustainability: Towards Conceptual Clarification, GRONEN 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [with Christina Bidmon, Jonatan Pinkse and Marcela Leme].

Towards a Token-Based View: From Blockchain to NFTs to DAOs, R&D 2022 Management Conference, Trento, Italy [with Arash Rezazadeh]
Credit card mockups



PITCH!© is supporting business model educators and facilitators to provide engaging, learner-centered, business modeling experiences by offering a hybrid- and experiential-learning approach to business model education and training. PITCH!© leverages research-based content on the design of sustainable business models and business model patterns.Through a gamified and collaborative learning approach, PITCH! is augmenting traditional learning practices with web-based learning delivery, in a way that improves learners’ support, engagement, and outcomes.

The Circles Framework

Tactics to increase value

2022 - 2023 Annual Report

Read the annual report of the Digital+Sustainable Innovation Lab.
